Chi Lib Rocks! : Chicago Libraries Rock! This blog is a service of the Chicago Multitype Library System (CMLS). Please send comments, press releases, etc. to:
Yvonne Riley, CMLS, For a detailed discussion of topics and items mentioned in the blog, visit our online community, CMLS Online.
This is our blogchalk: United States, Illinois, Chicago, downtown, English, Libraries, Books, Technology, Librarianship, Information Science.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Based on feedback from the well-received Webinars last week and requests for additional sessions, (formerly LSSI's Reference Division) is scheduling four additional online presentations to share more about how your library can participate in the Illinois State Library statewide virtual reference project, Ask-Us! Illinois.
Kay Henshall, Director of Training & Client Services, and Nancy Taylor will present information about the products and services provides.We will also answer questions regarding program options and is already working with libraries in Illinois as part of the MyWebLibrarian project. MyWebLibrarian is a successful collaborative program which includes libraries of all types and sizes. Librarians are providing a valuable service for patrons across the state and answering thousands of questions each month. Joining an existing collaborative effort includes significant cost-savings for your library while requiring limited staff resources.
Please select one of the presentations below and RSVP to Louise Stewart at or CALL 1-866-538-8867. Once we receive your RSVP, we'll send you the link to the online meeting and a toll-free phone number to participate by conference call as well. There is no technology setup for this meeting.