house of warwick : house of warwick

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Dann Sheridan on presentations and supporting software

9:54:08 PM
Dann writes:
More Power than Point. "PowerPoint (or "presentation software") has become the lingua franca of American business. It's also become the problem with American business, according to Inc. columnist Adam Hanft. []

I read this and said to myself "I agree", but instead of reading the Inc. article, I read on.

Hanft is calling on American businesses to produce more "sharply distilled, fact-based thinking". I couldn't agree more. However, one of the symptoms of a disease he has coined "distractulitis" is heavy reliance on PowerPoint. While this is most likely true, PowerPoint itself is not the problem. I have attended many presentations where a PowerPoint presentation was simply a guide for the larger presentation consisting of white boarding sessions, videos, live examples, and lively discussion. PowerPoint promotes reuse of previously published material, which may be a problem in some cases.

I agree here, too. Most presentations I've seen in the last calendar year consist of a person rereading the PowerPoint. Those people should be forced to read this [Amazon Link]

Read Dann's site for the rest. Dann, I couldn't agree more. I'm letting this serve as reminder that I should be paying a little more attention to what I present and how it's presented. I wonder how many of us would be brave enough to post some of our PP files...

RSS is the talk of Merlot

9:21:57 PM
D'Arcy says: RSS is the talk of Merlot
It's a little freaky. Everyone (and I mean everyone) is talking about RSS here. Merlot apparently even demoed RSS feeds from it's collection (I guess that makes our presentation on Friday rather moot. oh, well...) Garry flew in from Oz, and is going to be showing some cool stuff they're doing with RSS to syndicate stuff all over the place. He's going to be in Calgary on Monday, after the conference, and we'll be talking more then. This is shaping up to be Learning Object Syndication Festival 2003. UPDATE: ok... maybe not everyone is talking about RSS, but a whole... [D'Arcy Norman's Learning Commons Weblog]

Why I will not sign up for TypePad

9:08:19 PM
TypePad is a wonderful idea whose time has finally come. UserLand started this with the right idea some time ago, but couldn't make a go of it. Now that the rest of the world is ready, Ben and Mena of Six Apart, developer of Movable Type, have rolled out TypePad.

I was ready to purchase the service, but I stopped to take an inventory of my blogging self. I have a server-based weblog product. It has multiple categories, scripting, automation, no recurring fees, supports multiple standards and is frequently updated and fixed.

I'm sticking with Radio, and I'm ready to evaluate Frontier and Manila. I want to create websites, give 'blog space to friends (through Manilla) and have a place to experiment and evangelize RSS and weblogs.

Kudos to Radio UserLand for adding Trackback...

8:58:01 PM
Robert Scoble gets in on the hot Trackback action...

Kudos to Radio UserLand for adding Trackback. I'm gonna add it tonight before I go to bed.

[The Scobleizer Weblog]

Original post.