Steve Gillmor's hammer hits a nail
8:24:19 PMThis is dynamite. Can you hear the fuse sizzling? It makes me want to by the dev licenses and skip my Manila crash course. I think that Radio can be modified to do this. Needless to say, I'm jumping on this first thing next week.
With Microsoft taking the Longhorn view, Chandler betting on RDF, and Sun postponing OS/X OpenOffice to '06, what can we do in this lifetime? After video conversations with Gary Burd, Dave Sifry, and players to be named later, here's the plan:
1. Get Panther. This will cost $500 for an entry level developer license today.
2. Investigate the new Mail APIs and the new TextEdit developer kit (if it exists).
3. Develop Gary Burd's idea of a brute force private Google built on top of a local IMAP store hosted in
4. Produce NetNewsWire plug-in from #3's work and contribute it to Brent Simmons with all possible speed.
5. Use NNW plug-in framework to develop additional extensions for converting iChat AV/AIM/Rendeyvous presence and message attempts into RSS feed.
6. Investigate wiring #5's feed to iSync for persistent calendaring and scheduling.
7. Work with Mozilla-based cross-platform aggregators to migrate to Windows/Linux base.
8. Watch Microsoft and Google scramble to catch up.
[Steve Gillmor's Emerging Opps]