house of warwick : house of warwick

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "srk" hasn't been defined.]

Scripting News and the death of the browser

10:31:22 PM
Check out this old Dave post about Microsoft killing the browser. With IE rolled into XP, Apple's Safari installed on new machines and Mozilla cut loose, did this come true?

Summaries vs. Full Posts in RSS feeds

10:17:50 AM
I read this on Chris Pirillo's RSS resource site. Clipped from this post, it makes a point that I agree with: summaries don't entice me to regularly read the content from that site.

If I read a summary, I have the extra step of opening the site in a browser and reading the article there, complete with ads and graphics. Two sites, TidBITS and MacInTouch do this to a frustrating end. The summaries are either inconsistently used, in the case of TidBITS or vague and of no value, in the case of MacInTouch. I still read both publications regularly, just as I did before they had an RSS feed because the content is so good. It's written and edited well and their journalistic reputation is of the highest quality.

Overcoming Skeptics

10:03:51 AM
Tim writes that getting past skeptics is hard for new business owners. I have to agree. I've tried to start a business myself, but never followed through, due to the nagging skeptics in my life. Sometimes, though, I think it's been for the best. Most of the skeptics have pointed out large flaws in my business plans, preventing me from doing something very stupid.

test for technorati ping

9:57:28 AM
Technorati test ping post

Radio, Trackback and Technorati

9:42:44 AM
I was reading André Venter's post about Technorati, linked from This archive post has the details about the Technorati pinger. I read through the second post, found the wiki link and read through the Radio Userland posts (all two of them). I wondered if, with the new implementation of Trackback in Radio, the code exists to ping Technorati, too. I started perusing Radio.root and I think I found the right place:


Maybe if Jake Savin is reading this... :>

...he can look at this and see if this can be added as a user pref, something like "Ping Technorati?" with a checkbox.

As for now, people who use the web interface of Radio, just add this:

to the "URLs to Ping:" box on the Radio home page. If your Radio subscription has run out, re-up now to get Trackback. It's worth it!

P.S.> Why not be able to ping a person? I know that's Trackback, but I want "Track-before". I guess that's email. I read a post this morning about that, but now I can't remember where it came from.