Radio can help Wes
Wes Falter mentions that he has a dormant weblog that's made it to the new site. He's wondering how to get the info--two ways. Backup the site using the backup link or using a script that pulls the entries via XML-RPC. If you have a copy of Radio, write the script and store the entries in the object database (Rogers wrote about it in his book). From there, you can write another script to extract the text and render as text files. With the text in hand, Radio could render according to rules and send the files anywhere.
Since you are on a Manila site now, you might be able to create a "sub site" of the current one. Ask your hosting provider to help, but you'd have to have the backup root (from buzzword) loaded and then Manila configured to serve it.
I wish I had the raw UserTalk experience required to write the scripts. If I find someone who can do it, I'll link to them from here.