Loudmouths continue weblogs.com non-event
I lied in a previous post. *This* is the last thing I'm going to say about the weblogs.com outage.
Read the FAQ about me and my relationship with buzzword.com for simple answers. I helped, but I'm not financially or politically involved. Dave and Rogers are friends that needed help, so I helped them. No sinister conspiracy.
To those trying to root out each and every detail about the outage: stop. You *really* don't want to know every detail. Most of the issues have nothing to do with anyone outside of Dave Winer, Rogers Cadenhead and UserLand (the previous hoster of weblogs.com). You'd probably be embarrassed about your fussing if you knew the truth. People make mistakes and good people make good on promises. Dave made good on his: everyone from weblogs.com can get a backup of their site and it's *before* July 1st.
If you still want to ask about technical and financial details: it's none of your business (really) and there are far more important things in life to worry about. If you think that this quest for knowledge of yours is important or noble, you are wrong. This is not "Whitewater" or "Watergate" or "the end of the world as we know it". I'm tired of seeing my name and to a much larger extent Rogers and Dave's names banted around like they were "Hedley Lamaar" in "Blazing Saddles".
This topic is not open for debate with me.