Updated: 10/3/2005; 10:09:31 PM

  Thursday, June 23, 2005

Radio UserLand: Browser Launching on MacOS X

For the longest time, launching a web browser on the Mac was easy--most everyone had Microsoft's Internet Explorer so we told Radio to launch it when you needed a web page opened. Safari came along and we hacked the code to look for Safari if it was open, but if nothing was open (and MSIE wasn't installed), Radio would present the user with a dialog box asking where it could find 'msExplorer'.


Well, at about 5PM tonight, I fixed it in about 5 minutes, mostly by reading code that Brent Simmons wrote when he was at UserLand. There's also a sys table verb not used often called "sys.osVersion" that returns good numbers for different MacOS X versions. A simple "if" statement and some comments and we're done.

A beta will be available soon. Contact me by email if you want it earlier--MacOS users only, please.