Updated: 10/3/2005; 10:01:52 PM

  Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Radio UserLand, Apple, iTunes and Podcasting

Dave goes on about podcasting and Apple today making a similar point as I did in my previous post. If you're starting a company based on podcasting today, you are likely too late. UserLand talked about modifying Radio last year to make podcasting easier for users, but we ultimately decided to focus on the core competencies: reading and writing the web. My previous post was about Odeo, by the way. If you are a podcaster and you want to sell your shows, start an eBay auction for a "season's" worth of rights and then spread the word. Set a "buy it now" price that's reasonable and get the word out.

eBay can be used for more than the crap in your garage and we certainly don't need a niche alternative at this point. Like Jake said yesterday: "Any other deal you're likely to see is slave labor, and believe me, someone is getting rich off of it, and it's not you."

Rex Hammock nails some podcasting hype to the wall with a sort history lesson. Podcasting (in it's modern form) isn't a year old yet and already companies with VC money are being stillborn.