Updated: 10/3/2005; 9:48:53 PM

  Monday, May 16, 2005

Conference Call Feedback

Notes for the first conference call are up on the dev site. Stop by and take a look.

The call had it's share of audio issues--Marc was sitting next to a coffee grinder in a Starbucks in NYC--and that made the call hard to follow. Much of the discussion went in directions I didn't anticipate, like rehashing the current app.

In my mind, we need to go bigger, better and more innovative and not refine Radio 8. We'll offer the hosted version of Radio at some point (wink) and let the user migrate either way--hosted or "pro". In my mind, most successful craftspeople (jewelry, software, etc.) make something that *they* like and then evangelize it. Everyone else adopts it because of the relationships they have with the creators.

Innovate! Innovate! Innovate!

More late in the day tomorrow. I have a baseball game to go to during the day...

First Conference Call

It's started--the first conference call for Radio 9 developers. Stand in the back of the room, if you like.

Weekly Radio 9 Developer's Calls

For anyone who wants to "listen from the back of the room" while Radio 9 is developed, we're going to hold weekly conference calls. It will allow the four primary developers to "hash out" the ongoing issues in the development process. The first one is today at 1PM Pacific time.

Also, we added a directory of feature/application wishlists. I've included mine, unedited from nearly a year ago. It's good to get some perspective...