Book Reviews
![]() Aqua Bar at provides a nice example of Engrish. But what is Engrish? "Engrish can be simply defined as the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design."
![]() Doubts cloud Berlusconi EU debut: "Italy has taken over the rotating presidency of the EU amid concerns about Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's suitability for the job. Mr Berlusconi took over the EU reins at midnight, hours after a Milan court suspended his trial on charges of bribery under a controversial new immunity law." (BBC News)
![]() Radio Netherlands writes: "As Italy takes over the presidency of the European Union, critics are asking what sort of image the Italian Prime Minister will project. Silvio Berlusconi recently rammed a special law through parliament granting him immunity from prosecution in a bribery scandal. Although it may have spared his blushes by preventing him from being convicted of bribery whilst leading the EU, critics are asking if this will really help an institution trying to project itself as a bastion of democracy."
![]() Mrs. du Toit points to The Independent: 'Der Spiegel, the German news weekly, labels Mr Berlusconi "The Godfather" on the cover of its latest issue, and comments, "at home he dismantles justice, subjugates television, has laws tailored to his needs. And now ... he will represent Europe."'
![]() Q&A: Dan Gillmor On Apple's New G5s, Panther: "Clearly on the UI front, Apple is ahead and will stay ahead. But Microsoft is nothing if not relentless. This is a long, long competition." (Computerworld via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() Apple's On A Roll Again—But Is It Too Late? "With stuff this good, Apple deserves a break." (ZDNet via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() The Video Phone Meets The PC: Steve Jobs Shows How To Put THe Phone Companies Out Of Business: "The folks who should be the most worried about this development are the phone companies." (Business 2.0 via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() Quarter Life Crisis writes: "[...] an article in the New York Times. Most notable, compare the screenshots of iChat with that of its Windows equivalent. Tells you more about the vastly different takes on software design in both companies than a long text would."
![]() Gimme dem shares! "In the news at BlogShares: "Any incoming links to Blogshares Strategy will net you 100 shares of this stock... Currently trading at over $300 per share." [via Universal Rule, who asks "Did I just yield to temptation by providing a link?"] Why, yes. Yes you did. And so did I... ;~))" []