Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, July 2, 2003

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Panther....: "I got my copies of the WWDC Panther CDs today, and installed Panther Server on my spare machine at work. Spent a bit of time playing with the GUI tools controlling it, and I have to say, the mail stuff (what, you thought I was playing with disk boot?) looks great. [...] I'm already falling in love with the new finder stuff." [Teal Sunglasses]

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Technology Trends Weblog writes: "Chris Pirillo's Amazon feeds are just the first step towards demonstrating what I would like to see:  a single site with all feeds available in combination with the ability to create synthetic feeds on the fly (from Google, Amazon, etc.)."

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Hello Big Brother! "The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers and thousands of cameras to track, record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a foreign city." [via kasia in a nutshell]

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Great husband? Thank your mother-in-law: "A new study suggests that good husbands or boyfriends are often the product of great moms. [...] Researchers interviewing 33 young couples found "significant" correlations between men's ties to their mothers and their partners' satisfaction with the relationship." [Reuters Health eLine]

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Canon PowerShot G5 review: "[...] we bring you an in-depth review of the Canon PowerShot G5. The G5 is essentially an upgraded G3, [...]" [Digital Photography Review (]

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Nikon Coolpix 5400 review: "[...] we bring you an in-depth review of the Nikon Coolpix 5400." [Digital Photography Review (]

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Sony DSC-V1 review: "[...] we bring you an in-depth review of the Sony DSC-V1. The V1 could be seen as a development of the DSC-S75/S85 design,..." [Digital Photography Review (]

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Making Movies With The Apple iSight: "I'll show you how to use the iSight with some very inexpensive QuickTime-based software to create top-notch video presentations." (O'Reilly Network via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]

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How Apple Spells Future: i-P-O-D: "Apple is at one of the most important turning points in its history. It stands at the threshold of crossing over from cult favorite to household name, especially if that household has a teenager. And Apple is making this crossing on the slender back of its little iPod." (BusinessWeek via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]

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When Building Applications For More Than Just Mac OS X: "There are lots of choices for targeting multiple platforms from a single codebase." (SD Times via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]