Book Reviews
![]() Iranian activist wins Nobel prize: "The Nobel Committee names Iranian women's rights campaigner Shirin Ebadi as this year's peace prize winner." [BBC News | World | UK Edition]
![]() Laptops in the year two-thous-ahhhnd!: "Water cooled and air bagged make a baby." [Ars Technica]
![]() Richard Gayle writes: "Don't they realize that it does not matter what the real cause is? I won't buy a Nokia phone because the battery could explode and there is no reason to know why. To claim that it will not happen if I only use their baterries without a good explanantion why does not make me comfortable. They should step up and say we will do everything we can to answer the problem instead of hiding behind legalese."
![]() Nokia pins exploding phones on counterfeit batteries: "Two Nokia users in the Netherlands and one in Vietnam were recently injured by exploding phones, and Nokia has learned that all three users installed counterfeit batteries manufactured by unauthorized suppliers, the spokeswoman said." [IDG InfoWorld]