New column about conversation in the workplace (in Finnish) -- Comment() My text about conversation in the workplace appeared today as a net column of the MikroPC magazine.
A collection of slogans (in Finnish) -- Comment() Last week I received a collection of slogans attributed to famous people or generic topics, such as feminism. These are in Finnish. I wonder if there is an English version of these. (I tried Google, but no luck.)
Mullinin havainto:
Bohrin laki:
Eldridgen sotalaki:
Von Neumannin aksiooma:
De Beaumarchais'n motto:
Weberin maksiimii:
Plutarkhoksen sääntö:
Heinen laki:
Breznikarin laki tietotekniikasta:
La Rochefoucauldin sääntö:
Normanin laki:
Feministin laki:
Friedmanin vastaus feministin lakiin:
Englen laki:
Suuryrityksen toinen laki:
McCarthyn maksiimi:
Wolinskin laki:
Frankon työpaikkalaki:
Butnerin laki:
Averyn havainto:
Reisnerin sääntö ajattelun inertiasta:
Piersonin laki:
Duezaboun havainto:
Russelin sääntö:
Einsteinin näkemyksiä elämästä:
Wilden teoria:
Sauget'n laki:
Top 10 Most Brilliant Advertising Mess Ups -- Comment() This came via a colleague, I have no idea of the original source. Maybe a bit dated, but good nevertheless.
Differences between Microsoft and Open Source -- Comment() Microsoft philosophy: Either us or them.
-- Comment() Dual G5 review now online: "[The] Dual G5 is an amazingly quick and powerful computer. It runs quietly (unless you boot it into single user mode and use it that way!) and is capable of some truly impressive number crunching. It also represents the first steps into a whole new performance realm for Apple, and that bodes well for the future." [macosxhints]
-- Comment() An open access journal on biology: "A new scientific journal challenges the expensive heavyweights that have dominated the world of research, and it hits the Internet on Monday. The journal, called the Public Library of Science Biology, is backed by leading scientists such as Dr. Harold Varmus, former director of the National Institutes of Health and now chief executive officer of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York."
-- Comment() Apple powers college supercomputer: '[S]taff and students at Virginia Tech have built one of the world's most powerful supercomputers for just $5m by plugging together hundreds of the latest computers from Apple. The project involved placing 1,100 brand new Apple G5 towers side by side, making it the world's most powerful "homebuilt" system.' [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
-- Comment() Joel on Character Sets: "The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)" []
-- Comment() Scumbag Slime Spammers: "The latest trick of the disgusting scourge is for the sub-humans to leave their SPAM in the comments section of blogs. I've been seeing more and more of it here. Some of it is for pr0n, some for .biz advertising; whatever." []
One year from the Myyrmanni bombing -- Comment() The bombing of the Myyrmanni shopping center happened one year ago (at the city of Vantaa, Finland, in October 11th, 2002). This should not have happened, but did. The motive of the bombing remains unknown.
-- Comment() Oriental Proverb: "If you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other people." [Motivational Quotes of the Day]
-- Comment() Kevin Kelly: "The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention." [Motivational Quotes of the Day]