![]() Ssp commented my thinking about WLAN security: "I discussed to topic with my father recently who considers getting DSL/WLAN and was concerned about security. Unfortunately he won't be able to use WPA, so after a bit of brainstorming, ironically the safest network setup that came to our minds was the one my university uses: Completely insecure WLAN connections with everything running over a Cisco VPN tunnel. I hope WPA is more comfortable - as having to start the VPN client and enter my password all the time is a bit of a pain (maybe one that calls for an hour spent in ScriptEditor or XCode to relieve it)."
![]() Yesterday my old ISDN connection at home was replaced with a broadband (ADSL) connection. Everything works fine, I just plugged my iBook to the ethernet cable. I installed the Cisco VPN software for secure connections, and that also works fine. (No dropped VPN connections so far.) Next week I'll probably have also a WLAN connection, when the Apple AirPort base station arrives (I hope). I'm thinking of aiming for high security with WLAN, with most of the tricks in the book (the network closed and password protected, access control list, WEP/WPA, etc.). Here is a nice article on the matter. Update: My wife just told that the Apple AirPort Extreme Base Station was delivered. This is fast! I made the order to Apple Store on Wednesday evening. Today evening I can try out how AirPort works. I'm also thinking about getting a AirPort-compatible printer for wireless printing. Epson Stylus C84 seems to be a good choice, and suprisingly Apple Store seems to offer the best price currently. Perhaps I'll make the order already today. Here and here are reviews of the C84 printer. But is Epson Stylus C84 really compatible with AirPort? This list of printers shows C80 and C82 as compatible, why C84 is not listed?
![]() Godfather of Web awarded €1m: "Tim Berners-Lee, the man whose hypertext programme paved the way for the beast they call the Web, has been honoured with an award of €1m. [...] [Time Berners-Lee] will pick up a cheque from the Finnish Technology Award Foundation which has named the British boffin the first recipient for its biennial Millennium Technology Prize." [The Register]
![]() A national ID card wouldn't make us safer: "[E]verything I've learned about security over the last 20 years tells me that once it is put in place, a national ID card program will actually make us less secure. [...] What matters is how the system might fail when used by someone intent on subverting that system: how it fails naturally, how it can be made to fail, and how failures might be exploited."
![]() NVidia Promises 'Cinematic Computing': "We're only seeing the tip of the iceberg in what these programmable GPU [graphics processor units] can do." [Tomalak's Realm]
![]() Mac.Ars Takes On Apple's Quarterly Earnings: "Apple has a strong balance sheet, and a couple of winning products in the iPod and iBok. Will they be able to spread the love through their entire product line and reverse their market share decline?" [MyAppleMenu]