Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Thursday, April 29, 2004

[Item Permalink] Learning Python from the book Python in a Nutshell -- Comment()
I today ordered from the book Python in a Nutshell. This book has got quite good reviews, and seems to be on the right level for me. I have a long time debated about learning yet another programming language, and finally Python convinced me to start learning one.

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Online Music Delivered To Yale Students On LANs: "A music downloading service offering 700,000 songs stored on Yale University LANs debuted this week in a pilot program expected to spread to 20 universities in the fall. With MusicNet supplying the songs and Cflix supplying the delivery over local area networks, the two firms said the music service -- called Ctrax -- is inexpensive and legal."

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Dire Straits: "Software's future evolution will unfold according to the emergence of seven major trends: The elimination of bloated operating systems; the development of components and objects; the advent of mobile code; the normalization of distributed computation; a shift in payment models; the spread of embedded systems; and the widespread adoption of wireless networks."

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NETI to Examine Net's Strengths: "Georgia Tech researchers have embarked on a project to improve the speed and reliability of the Internet by collating data directly from tens of thousands of Internet users rather than tapping into router points along the Internet backbone. Electrical and computer engineering professor George Riley and graduate student Robby Simpson have created an open-source software application that collects average response time, average round-trip time, download times, connection times, number of data packets transmitted and received, and other network performance statistics."