Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, September 8, 2004

[Item Permalink] Do you trust your spam filters? (Over 1000 spam messages in a week) -- Comment()
Today there were 1043 messages in my junk mail folder (automatically filtered). This is a new record. I received first time ever over 1000 junk mail messages in a week.

Last spring I received about 300-600 junk mail messages in a week, and now the amount has doubled. I predict the number will be about 1500 by January 2005.

There is no way I could filter manually 200 junk mail messages daily. You just have to trust that no important messages get lost by spam filtering.

[Item Permalink]  -- Comment()
Shy Russian may have made maths breakthrough: "A reclusive Russian may have solved one of the world's toughest mathematics problems and stands to win $1 million (560 million pounds) -- but he doesn't appear to care."

[Item Permalink]  -- Comment()
Doc Searls points to Linguistics 290L with George Lakoff: "This is a graduate course [...] that goes systematically through the mechanisms of mind and language used in political discourse - in policy-making, advocacy, and in political language."

Should this course be required of everyone to get the permission to vote?