![]() I upgraded BBEdit from version 6.0 to 8.0, and the changes were impressive. For some time I have been using SubEthaEdit as my usual text editor, but now I think I'll return back to BBEdit. Also, I upgraded to OmniWeb 5.1 beta from 5.0. This new version works fine with an online bank I'm using. This improvement is due to using a newer version of the Safari webcore library in OmniWeb. Now I don't need to use Safari at all any more (or any other browser either).
![]() Apple promised a 20" iMac G5 for review. The machine should arrive tomorrow morning, and I have about a week to test the system. This should be the high-end model with WLAN and bluetooth keyboard and mouse. I'll check how fast the system is compared to a 600 MHz iBook and a 1 GHz Titanium PowerBook. I have been using nothing but laptops - for three years at home and for two years at work. The new iMac G5 is the first machine which seriously makes me think about getting a desktop computer again.
![]() Social tools: "Just talked to a colleague of mine about the phenomenon of web-based social tools and their use for private and business issues." [.:| randgaenge |:.] I'm all for collaboration on the net, but I'm disturbed by all kinds of sites trying to cash on (business) networking. Today appeared my net column on networking (in Finish, Hyvä verkosto on tärkein, osaamisesta viis). By the way, due to the new baby in the family, I didn't note here my two previous net columns. The other was about Windows insecurity (Pesu päivässä pitää windows-koneen puhtaana), and the other about supercomputing (Superkone kertoo miten toimit).
![]() For those who have been wondering why this weblog is not updated - my third daughter was born two weeks ago, and there have been a lot of things to do since then.