Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Tuesday, May 29, 2007

[Item Permalink] Blue Ocean in Finland -- Comment()
Did you hear that W. Chan Kim will come to Finland to lecture on Blue Ocean Strategy? My review of the book, in Finnish translation, Sinisen meren strategia (W. Chan Kim ja Renée Mauborgne; Talentum, 2005) has generated some interest recently.

[Item Permalink] Solving Einstein's Riddle in Python -- Comment()
I noticed Google searches trying to find code for solving the so-called Einstein's Riddle. Here is object-oriented Python code (I updated the link) for solving the problem. Here are the final results of a run:
Choices: 1
1         2         3         4         5         
yellow    blue      red       green     white     
norway    denmark   finland   german    sweden    
water     tea       milk      coffee    beer      
blues     opera     rock      pop       metal     
cat       horse     bird      fish      dog       
Here you find Python code for solving logic puzzles like this one. This code is rather nice, and more general than mine. On the other hand, the code is also slower due to the generality of the approach.