Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, August 20, 2003

[Item Permalink] Some people actually work -- Comment()
Jeremy Zawodny writes: "E-mail is not real-time. It never has been. Why do you assume that your messages and received and read within 20 seconds? Some people actually work." --- This is a good point. You don't need to be available immediately! There is a recent report (in PDF) about the cost of e-mail interruption: "The time it takes the average employee to recover from an email interrupt and to return to their work at the same work rate at which they left it, is on average 64 seconds." Thus, if you receive 50 e-mails in a day, you might lose almost on hour of productive time. Thus, setting in your mail program the interval between e-mail checks to one hour is a good tactic, as is disabling all notifications of received e-mail.