Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Thursday, August 21, 2003

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Virus author is test-driving Windows vulnerabilities: "Putting a 'dead-date' on his viruses, releasing Sobig variants on different days of the week and using slightly different subject lines and file names suggests that the Sobig author is test-driving his creations to see what tricks work best from the technical and psychological point of view."

As a Mac user, I have been relatively little affected by the recent worm activities. Of course, the spam volume has increased, but procmail and the Mail program in Mac OS X currently filter almost all of the Sobig.F messages. But there still remains the danger that one day a Mac-specific worm starts to spread, so I don't feel altogether safe.

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PowerPoint Is Evil: "Edward Tufte. At a minimum, a presentation format should do no harm. Yet the PowerPoint style routinely disrupts, dominates, and trivializes content. Thus PowerPoint presentations too often resemble a school play - very loud, very slow, and very simple." [Tomalak's Realm]