Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, August 27, 2003

[Item Permalink] Instant messages beat e-mail -- Comment()
The Shifted Librarian writes that IM Beats Email in Smackdown: "Right now there's a poll on the Yahooligans site that asks what do you use more often? Results since August 26:
  • Instant messages: 51% (5015 votes)
  • Email: 48% (4776 votes)
Now, which type of reference service do you think is going to continue gaining in popularity with students, email or chat-based? Hmmmm...."

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Apple Issues G5 Benchmarks: "The results are in line with Intel's historically strong performance in integer performance and PowerPC's equally strong floating point results. But according to Apple the gcc compiler used did not support the AltiVec floating point instructions, and yet the G5 machine managed to trump both Dells on trial. By Andrew Orlowski" (The Register via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]

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'Troubleshooting Mac OS X' e-book available: "The X Lab, a private venture dedicated to providing troubleshooting information and services to Mac OS X users, has published "Troubleshooting Mac OS X," a new e-book that focuses on preventing and resolving common problems with Mac OS X." [MacCentral]

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Hydra is now SubEthaEdit: "What used to be called Hydra is now SubEthaEdit. Seven brains are smarter than one became Fourty-two brains are smarter than one, a reference to a famous Mac user, the late Douglas Adams." [vowe dot net]