I'm really proud of the team and what we've achieved with the new Groovy JSR 01 release that's just gone out. Who-hoo!
This is the first full release of the JSR version of Groovy; we've
integrated the new parser, got it well and trully bedded down and all
our test cases pass (finally :). This was a huge amount of work and I'd
like to thank all those on the team who worked real hard to get
Groovy-JSR stable.
There's still plenty of work left to do; but now the core of the language should be pretty solid now (at last :). There's a migration guide on how to move from classic groovy to the new JSR version if you want to take it for a spin. Or try surfing the grammar.
A particular favourite in the JSR release is now the religious curly
bracked placement crusade has been avoided; you can align your curly
brackets however you like :)
A couple of edited highlights of the current language...
List list = [1, 2, 3]
// lets make an array of a specific type
Integer[] array = list
int[] = [1, 2, 3]
// lets do some safe navigation
def foo = null
def bar = foo?.something?.doSomething()
assert bar == null
// notice no null pointer exception above
// lets make some scalar objects from AWT
Point p = [1, 2]
Color c = [100, 222, 0]
def foo = [1, 2] as Point
println "Thanks $user.name see you later"
8:57:04 AM