Tales of Hoffman
Another Attempt at Relevance

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Tuesday, June 03, 2003
Tales of Hoffman has moved. See all my new posts at http://hoffman.blogs.com.

Tales of Hoffman...A Tragedy of Operatic Proportions

Things are extemely ugly here in "Tales of Hoffman"-land. Any help from you Radio Userland jockies out there is appreciated... I booted up my brand new work laptop (a very nice Thinkpad T30, by the way) and went right to the "Backup" program provided by Win2000. I had set this program to back up my Radio Userland folder each and every night, so I figure, I'm golden in restoring this blog (for the 2nd time!) even though my old HD was completely fried.

Here's the problem...When I go to restore my nice backup of the Radio Userland folder (using Win2000's "Backup" program), there seems to be absolutely no "radio.root" file in the backup! Huh? Is there some unknown (at least to me) limitation in Window's Backup program that keeps it from backing up radio.root even though it's in the folder with everything else that's backed up? Is there any hope for me? If not, today becomes day one for Tales of Hoffman all over again. Sigh. Someone please help...

8:21:49 AM    comment []  trackback []  

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Last update: 8/29/2003; 9:14:43 AM.
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