Tales of Hoffman
Another Attempt at Relevance

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Friday, June 06, 2003
Tales of Hoffman has moved. See all my new posts at http://hoffman.blogs.com.

SARS on "Medscape Live!"

We're going to try something new (at least for Medscape) next week and my blog readers are invited. On Wednesday, June 11 at 7pm Eastern, feel free to stop by Medscape for our first interactive and live webcast. This one is going to be about SARS (what else?). We'll have Larry Anderson, MD, Chief, Respiratory and Enteric Viruses Branch at the CDC, and Georges Benjamin, MD, FACP, Executive Director of the American Public Health Association.

Each speaker will give a short presentation and then we'll open up the webcast for questions from the audience. If you want to attend, you'll have to register for Medscape (if you're not already). I should have a URL for you sometime today or Monday. Mark your calendars now. If this works well, I think you'll be seeing a lot more of these on Medscape as time goes on...

9:01:25 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Tales of Hoffman has moved. See all my new posts at http://hoffman.blogs.com.

Not as Bleak as it Seems
OK, I'm back. It appears that my postings from the start of this blog through May are still extant on the Internet and I'll have to take some time to figure out how to wrangle them back into the blog. In the meantime, let's just continue with the Internet and Medicine fun, shall we?
8:44:16 AM    comment []  trackback []  

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Last update: 8/29/2003; 9:14:43 AM.
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Click Here for "Classic Tales" (Posts from before my hard disk passed away: April 2003 and earlier)

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