Tales of Hoffman
Another Attempt at Relevance

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Thursday, June 19, 2003
Tales of Hoffman has moved. See all my new posts at http://hoffman.blogs.com.

Harry Potter and the Concept of Reservations

Here's a nice exchange I had at my local Barnes & Noble yesterday:

Me: I'd like to reserve two copies of the new Harry Potter Book

B&N Employee: I can't guarantee that we will have a book for you on Saturday, but I'd be happy to take your reservation, sir.

Me: Excuse me?

B&N Employee: We have been told that we can continue to take reservations, but that unless you have the book in your hands on Saturday -- or on Midnight Friday -- we can't tell you you we will definitely have enough books.

Me: Didn't I see this in a Seinfeld Episode once about a Car Rental Counter? I'm not sure you understand the concept of a reservation...

B&N Employee: I understand what your saying, but that's the way it is. By the way, I love that episode of Seinfeld...

Me: Thanks anyway.

9:31:46 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Tales of Hoffman has moved. See all my new posts at http://hoffman.blogs.com.

Calling all Docs
By the way, I'm still on a one man crusade to get something about Medical Blogs in BloggerCon this fall. Maybe some of you doc bloggers out there can write about this too so we can get some momentum behind grabbing the attention of those who are organizing?
8:53:14 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Tales of Hoffman has moved. See all my new posts at http://hoffman.blogs.com.

Posting about Postings

Things have been relatively quiet here because there's a confluence of events coming up that are keeping me pretty busy. You'll see some nice changes to Medscape's interface in the next few weeks, we are in the process of planning our next live webconference in the next two weeks and, best of all, I'm going on vacation next week...to Scotland....with the whole family....to stay in a castle!

Other than that, not much going on . ;-) As much as I'd like to post while I'm away, keeping track of all my belongings -- as well as all the extra stuff that comes with taking three kids under the age of 9 across the Atlantic Ocean -- will most likely cause me to not bring my laptop along. I'm not sure how I would get on the net anyway since I abandoned my dial up connectivity when I signed up for the cable modem. I'm sure I'll come back with plenty of stories and pictures, however. It'll be interesting to be away from my computer and the Internet for a whole week. Not sure I can do it. Does that make me sick in some way?

8:51:27 AM    comment []  trackback []  

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