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I'd like to say this pop-up message is a a joke.  But, unfortunately this chilling warning is really the other kind of gag as it is what actually appears on your monitor at work when you try to reach The New American on your lunch hour at a Mead-Westvaco facility in Charleston, SC.   If you couldn't believe what your were reading the first time, you can type in and get this message:


Most likely this dubious censorship is not directly from a local Mead-Westvaco system administrator, but is there much solace knowing it comes from a company providing the internet content blocking software they are using?

As a private company making paper and office products Mead certainly has the right to decide what they want to give their employees access to on the Internet.  But, as The New American and The John Birch Society are certainly NOT promulgators of "hate speech," it shows just how fragile our information system really is if you work outside of "approved" channels.   Can these censors keep up with the blogosphere though?

10:14:42 PM      comment []

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