Updated: 21/7/04; 4:59:27 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Saturday, March 22, 2003

A picture named crazy.gifResign, Resign, Resign. Please. Tony, go. No easy options for Blair. Politicians are already focused on Iraq's reconstruction but anti-war feeling is not abating, writes BBC News Online political correspondent Nick Assinder. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]
10:03:15 PM     |     

A picture named crazy.gifNot surprised. ITV crew missing in Iraq. Three members of an ITV News crew are missing and one has been injured, after coming under attack in southern Iraq. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]
9:58:49 PM     |     

A picture named Hof_1.jpgDeutschland, Deutschland, alles ist vorbei. The thing on the left was the public phone in the old Ratinger Hof. I really shouldn't do this. But I'm sure Janie Jones and Mary Lou Monroe won't mind. Embarrassing, yes it is. I've uploaded a complete Mittagspause gig (live in Wuppertal, 1979 (?)) as an MP3 file onto my iDisk. For a limited time. Next weekend it will be gone. And beware: It's noisy. It's bad. It's a 40MB download. It's Punk Rock. It's German.

And now it's gone.
5:51:40 PM     |     

A picture named railw.jpgHere comes the train. A really nice exhibition of old British Railway Posters. Great stuff.

"It is hardly surprising that the "Golden Age" of British railway posters coincided with the quarter-century following the amalgamation in 1923 of almost all of the numerous small independent companies into what came to be known as the "Big Four"railways: the Great Western (GWR); the London, Midland, and Scottish (LMS); the London and North East (LNER); and the Southern (SR). The end of the Great War saw Britain with a public eager to travel - and possessing a well-developed taste for the poster as a medium of advertising. In the latter case the war itself provided continuity for initiatives that began in peacetime, for the recruiting and saving and funding campaigns needed to vanquish the Hun were waged largely on the hoardings.

Now how on Earth is she going to see someone in Aberystwyth when that person is apparently standing on the platform somewhere at King's Cross ? The guy hasn't even got onto the train yet! Perhaps some old-fashioned 'beaming device'? Who knows.
2:56:49 PM     |     

A picture named vin59UKTapeRecCvr.jpgAnalog Recording. Remember? The days you actually had to use something called Tape and a big machine to record sounds and music? Even before the Compact Cassette? Well, Phantom Productions have old ads, brochures and magazine covers nicely assembled on their website. Go and find out. Knowledge is power.
12:16:05 PM     |     

A picture named pali-s.gifScience. A few editions of The Scientific American are online. Almost as good as the Penny Magazine, which is here and here
11:57:55 AM     |     

A picture named safari.jpgSmashing. I'm now using Safari v67. Fantastic!
10:43:21 AM     |     

A picture named futur.jpgFuturo. This is the Futuro House - another incredible 70's design.
10:02:37 AM     |     

A picture named tulipsamling.jpgTulip. A website about 70's design, cars, fashion and so on. BTW: the 'Tulip' chairs in the picture were heavily used in the Starlight Casino scenes in Raumpatrouille.
9:46:53 AM     |     

A picture named crazy.gifNo blogging about the war. Here's a weblog straight from Kuwait.

"The past few hours I have been hearing deep humming sounds in the sky. I think they might be a B52s flying towards Iraq since they dont sound very fast, they sound big, and they dont sound like jet engined planes. Good thing I don't live in Baghdad. Kuwait feels so safe now."
9:23:20 AM     |     

A picture named crazy.gifI will not mention the war. Great. 'Allied Forces', who are there to liberate Iraq from the Saddam regime, are now moving in onto the Kurds. They are probably just killing or torturing them. No need to be concerned.Turkey to send troops to Iraq. Turkey says it will send troops into northern Iraq - despite US disapproval - but it will allow US warplanes to use its airspace. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]
12:38:55 AM     |     

A picture named eyes.gifTo do: Sort all of the blog links on the right in alphabetical order. And add Quarsan. And Zoe. And lots of other blogs.
12:31:20 AM     |     

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