Updated: 21/7/04; 5:04:35 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

A picture named BN0012.jpgRepeat #4.

Billy Name's fantastic photos can be found here:
2:02:17 PM     |     

A picture named swl06286.jpgRepeat #3.

Lots of Helvetica there, I'm afraid. Nevertheless beautiful posters, which you can send to friends as e-cards: Swiss Poster History
1:11:41 PM     |     

A picture named darsteller.jpgRepeat #2.

Harry, go and get the car... I'm kind of busy working on a pitch for the next three days, so I can't promise any new cartoons. Instead a link to an especially peculiar item of German TV-history: Der Kommissar. ("I said so, didn't I?" - "Yes, you said so." - "That's what she said, Herr Kommissar") Fabulous: "Während Robert, Walter und Harry (später Erwin) ihre Schreibtische in einer Linie am Fenster haben, muß Fräulein Rehbein in der Ecke zwischen den Türen ihre Arbeit verrichten; der Kommissar hat einen wohnlichen Raum ganz für sich allein."
11:42:18 AM     |     

A picture named crop0001.gifRepeat #1.

A must-read for any Alien living in England. Most of the book is online at http://f2.org/humour/howalien.html. And the publisher is here: Penguin UK Home

Now I should like to give you a little practical advice on how to build an English town.
You must understand that an English town is a vast conspiracy to mislead foreigners. You have to use century-old little practices and tricks.

1. First of all, never build a street straight. The English love privacy and do not want to see one end of the street from the other end. Make sudden curves in the street and build them S-shaped too; the letters L, T, V, Y, W and O are also becoming increasingly popular. It would be a fine tribute to the Greeks to build a few [phi] and [theta]-shaped streets; it would be an ingenious compliment to the Russians to favour the shape of [reversed-R], and I am sure the Chinese would be more than flattered to see some [chinese-character]-shaped thoroughfares.

2. Never build the houses of the same street in a straight line. The British have always been a freedom-loving race and the "freedom to build a muddle" is one of their most ancient civic rights.

3. Now there are further camouflage possibilities in the numbering of houses. Primitive continental races put even numbers on one side, odd numbers on the other, and you always know that small numbers start from the north or west. In England you have this system, too; but you may start numbering your houses at one end, go up to a certain number on the same side, then continue on the other side, going back in the opposite direction.
11:37:11 AM     |     

A picture named infomin.gifThis is your Bishop Information Minister speaking. Today is official Repeat Day. Because the person known as The Cartoonist is too lazy posting any new stuff, I am going to post old entries from the archives today.

And thanks to Kosmonautentraum for the German Propaganda Posters link.
11:03:03 AM     |     

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