The Unexplained Explained. Heidi Hollis offers Alien Advice, which looks like this:PAMELA WRITES: I saw a reptilian type person (male I think) I felt him staring at me from behind I looked behind and could not see this thing then I looked in my rear view mirror and saw him however he was transparent. He sliced his finger across his neck and felt this as a warning. Was this real or was I just seeing things in the mirror? Am I supposed to do anything after this? Sincerely yours Pamela HEIDI: Hi Pamela, Well, I do know these beings like to creep up on people and scare them. They do this because they feed off from the fear we give them when we see them or just have plain fear in strange as that may sound. But one thing to note about these beings too, is they often are not spotted, just felt. That feeling alone can suffice them to feed on, but when you were able to actually see it even transparently...I don't think they much appreciated that [...] Picture taken from - well, from The Unexplained Explained. Sigh.
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