Updated: 21/7/04; 5:54:28 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Monday, May 3, 2004

A picture named tina.jpgLinguistics. Hergé's Syldavian: a grammar.

The adventures of Tintin, by the great Belgian artist Hergé, are enjoyed the world over; for the linguist, they offer the added attraction of providing tantalizing glimpses of a previously undocumented language, Syldavian.
1:40:52 PM     |     

A picture named arrows.jpg300 Images from 1800 Sites. Fantastic.

I started gathering little, iconesque web images for myself so that I could compare, contrast, and study the techniques used by other graphic artists on the web. My initial pool of images looked so interesting that I decided to continue methodically hunting and capturing the icons for a public display piece.

The purpose of this document is not to copy the intellectual property of others, but rather as a jumping-off point for your own unique web graphic projects. It's for Brainstorming, if you will.
8:48:31 AM     |     

A picture named 11.jpgLooking Good. Alien vs Predator - trailers, photos etc.
8:40:37 AM     |     

A picture named duke_amst2.jpgAnd there he is. Alan Stein found out everything about the person responsible for the Ukulele version of Anarchy in the Uk. And guess what - he calls himself The Duke of Uke. Fabulous. I want his CD now. Listen to Search and Destroy [2.7MB, MP3].

Armed with a uke autographed by the Tiny Tim, my special mission is to unleash the healing power of the ukulele for a world in need...
8:31:39 AM     |     

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