Updated: 21/7/04; 5:55:54 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

A picture named radioretroanimwhite.gifFed Up. Comments and Trackback are off from now on. Trackback doesn't work anyway, and the comments server is down. I'll move them to haloscan or God knows where. This is seriously pissing me off, because I'm paying money for Radio's non-existent service.
11:43:47 PM     |     

A picture named mac.gifWarp Back. Test drive an original Macintosh, running on OS7 [Flash]. Now. Via IT&W.
9:12:36 PM     |     

A picture named Marlene-D-pict1.jpgThe Great Grand Gorgeous Garrotting MP3 Competition Continues, apparently. Alright then, Schockwellenreiter had some 'music' (and here and here), IT&W as well, but the winner can only be:

Lady Marlene Dietrich with Where have all the flowers gone [MP3, 3.3MB]. Now beat this. I'm looking forward to it. And if The Aardvark could please join us?
7:07:30 PM     |     

A picture named hookb.jpgBy Hook or by Crook. At last! My old mate Wolfgang in Hamburg Sankt Pauli is back online. Check out the galleries of his paintings - they are highly recommended by yours truly, The Cartoonist.
4:57:58 PM     |     

A picture named McLane_Mosaic.jpgMac OS X Software of the Month: MacOSaix. It's as easy as ...
1. Choose the image you want to make a mosaic from.
2. Choose the shape and number of tiles in the mosaic.
3. Choose the source of images to use for the tiles.

Fab. It seems to be freeware, and I hope the author develops it further - it could need some tweaking. Anyway, my Commander Cliff Allister McLane as a mosaic made up from hundreds of Raumpatrouille images is here [260kb jpeg download, printout recommended]. Yes, I know, it could need some tweaking as well, but after 4 hours I just got fed up ...
4:31:46 PM     |     

A picture named rsa005.jpgLeaving Pluto. A Russian Space Art Gallery. Fab.
9:59:35 AM     |     

A picture named pig.jpgCan Pigs Fly? Of course they can. Nice little Flash Game. Again via xq.
9:54:54 AM     |     

A picture named apl_pp_tupiki_2004_01.jpgGoing Underground Again. No idea what this is about, but the pictures are great. Moscow Metro perhaps? Via xq.
9:50:36 AM     |     

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