Updated: 21/7/04; 5:56:44 pm.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

A picture named holdon.gifYawn. BBC SPORT | Schumi claims European pole
9:49:17 PM     |     

A picture named bat.jpgPOW! The best Bat site around? Probably (ViewMaster!). Found this gem at linkfilter.
9:13:54 PM     |     

A picture named discreetoscope.jpgExcellent. Martin Archer's website, Daze of our Lives. Absolutely fantastic.
9:01:45 PM     |     

A picture named kaefer.gifBooks on Demand. I was wondering if some of my countless readers might have any experience with a Books On Demand service?

I'm thinking about republishing my graphic novel, Antarktis Expedition 1931/32 - Das Tagebuch des Peter Ludwig Fall (Antarctic Expedition 1931/32 - the diary of Peter Ludwig Fall; a few sample pages here), but this time extended with an English translation, preliminary sketches and the materials I've used - old newspaper clippings etc.

Please leave your comments below... what are the hidden costs, for example? How about distribution? What do I have to pay before they start printing? I've checked out a few BOD sites, but they're all somehow confusing.

By the way: the original book as published by Greno is still available second hand at ZVAB; just do a search for 'zeigermann'.
12:59:25 PM     |     

A picture named poster.jpg48 Posters. The Swiss designer Josef Müller-Brockmann. Via paperholic.
9:03:54 AM     |     

A picture named palette.jpgArtLex. The art dictionary. Fab. Via Kunstspaziergänge.

Welcome to ArtLex. You'll find definitions for more than 3,600 terms used in discussing visual culture, along with thousands of supporting images, pronunciation notes, great quotations and cross-references.
7:12:58 AM     |     

A picture named Fools.gif Daily Bizarre. Guardian Unlimited - Bizarre tale of boy who used internet to plot his own murder

The boy - who is now 15 and can be referred to only as John for legal reasons - persuaded his friend, known as Mark, now 17, to stab him to death in order to pass a fictitious initiation test for the British secret services in a meticulously planned attack one Sunday evening last summer.
6:38:52 AM     |     

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