Craig Cline's Blog

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 Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Boffo performance by the prez last night - too bad it was so duplicitous.  It reminds me of  all the bullshit and delusional rantings that came out of the Johnson and Nixon administrations during the Vietnam War and Watergate.  But the stakes are so much higher this time around. Even Nixon believed in diplomacy and in his own paranoid way, democracy.  Hearing Bush rant on about "liberating" the Iraqi's makes me cringe and think about other oxymorons such as the "People's Republic of China."  I sure hope the American people read up on the Roman Empire, cause it sure looks like Bush, Cheney and the gang are hell bent on replicating it.

Here's yet another story about how we are trashing 60 years of diplomacy and stealing ignomy from the jaws of moral victory after 9/11:

From friends to foes - How President Bush turned traditional allies into enemies

As we get closer to the conflict even more stories are emerging about the number of american companies - led by Dick Cheney's Halburton and of course Big Oil - are poised to cash in on the presumptive victory.  The story from Salon below is just one of many - even in the mainstream press - that is pointing out the obvious - ignore what Bush sez about weapons of mass distruction, the real motive behind this war is economic.

War, Inc.


1:14:15 PM