Craig Cline's Blog

March 2003
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 Monday, March 31, 2003

The Bush Administration tends to paint the issues surrounding this War in black and white, since everyone in Bush's government is too macho to even admit to the possibility of moral ambiguities. (Check out Bush at War to gain an insight into what makes the Bushies the Way They Are.)  I'm both against the war and against Saddam Hussein.  I believe it was either incredibly naive or duplicitous of the Bush governemtn to have characterized this was as a cakewalk, with Iraqi citzens dancing for joy at being liberated - yet in the Kurdish region up North, that is exactly what they are doing.

In today's Mercury news, there was an interesting article about the joy expressed by the Kurds at having US help in recliaming some of the territory that they were pushed out of 10 years ago.  ``Thirty years of living under that bastard Saddam and this is all he leaves us -- mines,'' said one fighter. Check it out.

Let's not forget, however, that this war is going to do far more harm to our position in the worlds, and our national security, than good.  Terry Gross, who has turned Fresh Air into a nearly nonstop commentary on the War and its ramifcations through a series of guests, had Thomas Powers on a week ago who gave one of the most chilling and bleak assessments of the impact of the war on America's long-term security that I've yet to hear.

Listen to Journalist Thomas Powers

Pulitzer prize winning journalist Thomas Powers. His new book is “Intelligence Wars: American Secret History from Hitler to Al-Qaeda” (New York Review Books). POWERS wrote about Iraq after the war in the New York Times article, “The Man Who Would Be President” (Sunday, 3/16/03). He writes, “What then happens to Iraq’s 23 million people, its oil and its relations with its neighbors will remain the personal responsibility of Mr. Bush and his successors in the White House until one of them chooses to surrender it.”

Last but definitely not least is today's David Broder column on how the poor and children are going to get the shaft in either verison of the budget that the greedheads in Washington are currently debating.  I don't understand why most people sit calmly by as this government strips away our entitlements, turn a blind eye to energy producers as they collude to triple our electricity and natural gas prices and jack up gasoline prices, and  generally wage class warfare against the poor and middle class.  Check out broder's column.  And start doing something to let your government know that you are "mad as hell and won't take it any more"


6:22:55 PM    

Two snippets from my friend Jim Warren:

Interesting quiz about govt -- completely NON-partisan


apologies for this second, improved variation on the theme of my
previous message; hope you will re-circulate it, far and wide.]

We must not again let our nation's symbol be usurped by violent
invaders.  Let us proudly display three symbols together, at every
opportunity -- in peaceful demonstrations, on porches and
car-bumpers, in house and car windows, and on every podium of
activists expressing their support for peace:

Our American flag, plus a Peace symbol, plus a UN flag.  (One might
even think of this as a holy trinity far more akin than war, to
biblical principles.)


I'd also like to see signs and bumper-stickers saying:
     "Support American Troops!
        Bring Them Home NOW!"



2:02:21 PM