Monday, September 1, 2003

SJ Mercury: Spamming sleazebags ruining e-mail. Dan Gillmor. The responsibility for this debacle is everywhere: malevolent creativity by those who take advantage of lousy software and the Net's open nature, not to mention clueless users, systems administrators and Internet service providers. [Tomalak's Realm]
11:32:51 AM    

Everyone Wants a Bite of Apple. Why is Apple so tempting? Creative culture, killer products, zealous fans and Steve Jobs. Memo to Sony: Bite! An essay by Josh McHugh from Wired magazine. [Wired News]
11:31:55 AM    

BBC RSS feeds list updated. Yesterday, BBC News Online made available 68 new RSS feeds for every section of their site in both the World and UK editions. Radio users can use the XML coffee mugs on the BBC RSS feeds page to easily subscribe to the new channels using Radio's aggregator. [UserLand Product News]
11:30:22 AM