Friday, September 19, 2003

Funkenstein's monster. George Clinton and Parliament-Funkadelic are a hugely groove-alicious influence on contemporary pop culture. But could anything like Clinton's grand artistic vision -- and inclusive politics -- thrive in today's shallow realm of bling? []
12:59:33 PM    

DC Redesigns Sandman Covers Again. Dave McKean is giving the Sandman Library a face lift, now that they've figured out the books should be numbered AND look good. [Comics Worth Reading]
12:59:21 PM    

Windows to Power ATMs in 2005. Most U.S. banks plan to convert their ATMs to the Windows operating system by 2005. Will this move make bank customers vulnerable to malicious Internet attacks and the infamous blue screen of death? By Elisa Batista. [Wired News]
12:59:09 PM