Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Flickr Ceramics Photo for the Day-

Wall tiles that show musical notation.

Pretty neat concept, especially if you can read music.  Perhaps you could play it with an clay ocarina? (be sure to listen to "Tequila")

6:24:56 AM    

Distance and Size

Hipster Supplement

Michell Charity has a card that when held at arm's length helps you determine the height and/or distance to an object. 

Check out his Angle Cards... the rest of his site is cool.... lots of goodies.

6:12:45 AM    

Hipster PDA Play-at-Home Edition

For those of you making your own Hipsters, or changing my templates (which is cool) I recommend Knoppix.

Knoppix can be booted from the CD so it does not touch your PC's OS nor configuration. It comes with a ton of software, including Scribus. Scribus is a desktop publishing app that I use, and supply the files for my templates.

So go for it, and let me know how it turns out.

6:05:04 AM