Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Pottery Shard Provides Giant Clue:

An inscription on a pottery fragment found in Israel lends credence to the Biblical story around David and Goliath....The pottery fragment, or potsherd, dates to around 950 B.C. A non-Semitic name similar to "Goliath" is inscribed on it, suggesting that the giant's name may have been in use among Philistines at that time...

The Exponent

...Professor Aren Meir, the archaeologist who discovered the inscription on a shard of pottery in the ruins of the ancient Philistine city of Gath, said that the chance that the name refers to the Goliath of the biblical account is [base "]small if non-existent.[per thou]

But Meir, an archaeologist from Israel[base ']s Bar-Ilan university, said that it does show that Goliath was a common name among the Philistines at the time...

Most likely part of a bowl

Discovery Channel

Here's a different way that pottery can give meaning to life.

6:59:16 AM