Updated: 3/2/2006; 3:48:14 PM

 Sunday, January 19, 2003

Blogging Blues

i wish i had a pretty blog
. . .to take your breath away

i wish i had a witty blog
. . . in all I had to say

or maybe even a big-city blog
. . . where people had to pay
to read my disjointed ramblings
. . . all the live-long day

alas, i have an itty-bitty blog
. . . that i work on day by day

a very simple, nitty blog
. . . never to blow the charts away

but, still, i love my little blog
. . . for at the end of every day

i'm glad to have had a perfect way
. . . to have my little say

- Posted by Kim Plonsky - 11:01:11 PM - radio comments (past)  []


After that last post, we need a little fun.  And I have the perfect thing! 
Ask anyone -- I just LOVE my


The WeatherPixie
- Posted by Kim Plonsky - 9:49:53 PM - radio comments (past)  []

This time, it's for real . . .

War protesters arrested in Washington. Police arrested 16 anti-war protesters who marched on the White House on Sunday in a second day of rallies against a possible war in Iraq that has drawn thousands to the capital.  [CNN].  So, these people are willing to get arrested in the name of peace, eh?  A few questions come to mind . . .

Are they thinking at all?  Or is the motivation just some kind of Hollywood chic retro visit to the peace rallies of the '60s?  Another place to see and be seen.  Are they all going to troupe back to D.C. and take responsibility, afer the next terrorist strike on American soil, or  when nukes start dropping on innocent people somewhere in the world?  Then, will these liberals finally have their proofBecause these are the stakes.  It's too late for a Rodney King why-can't-we-all-just-get-along? attitude.  September 11th, I thought, left no doubt about that.  Was one strike on our homeland not enough to convince these peaceniks that the choice for war was made, but it was not our choice.  Is this some kind of mass state of denial?  As for me, I trust our President, who is moral and right, to do the moral and right thing to protect our homeland.  After all, he has just a little bit more of the facts than I do . . .

- Posted by Kim Plonsky - 7:51:25 PM - radio comments (past)  []