Wednesday, June 30, 2004

This AlwaysOn post led me to this report from United for a Fair Economy. I haven't read the whole report, yet, but I like all that I have read. The report profiles a number of multi-millionaires and billionaires, including Warren Buffet, who humbly acknowledge the external factors—including government programs—that contributed to their success. It also profiles some who have demonstrated a bit less humility, including Phil Gramm and Ross Perot.

I think that the myth that government does nothing but impede wealth creation is an insidious one that is used to great effect by the right. It is too late, and I have too many thoughts swirling around on this topic to really add much. I'll just leave it with this quote from Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google:

Lots of people who are smart and work hard and play by the rules don't have a fraction of what I have. I realize I don't have my wealth because I'm so brilliant. Luck has a lot to do with it.

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