mardi 18 novembre 2003

Free Plone Hosting

PilotSystems has launched a free hosting service for Plone sites. David Sapiro told me that, in just a couple of weeks, they have over 600 registered sites! Wow. Time to do some Netcraft hacking. {wink}

One particularly interesting aspect is that it is multilingual. Right now they have localized the content into English, French, and (I believe) Russian. German, Hebrew, and another are on the way.
9:39:01 AM   comment []   


Yesterday, Sidnei wrote on his weblog about the ArcheBuilder app we're working on, to let you do browser-based authoring of custom types in Archetypes. Last night I started working on the HTML version and ran into a snag that doesn't appear solvable.

The goal is to provide both HTML and XUL interfaces for ArcheBuilder. Since we have the abstract data in the browser as an XML DOM, from which we render the UI using XSLT, it should be possible to switch from HTML<->XUL just by pressing a button. Without, of course, reloading anything.

So I got it working in Mozilla first. Pretty easy, actually, though combining XUL in XHTML gives some weird stuff for CSS and namespaces. But the effect was kinda cool.

I then tried to get this working in IE. Of course there wouldn't be a button for switching to XUL, but I wanted the basic document to open as HTML. And here, friends, there be dragons.

First and foremost, IE doesn't actually do XHTML. You either do HTML, or XML, but no mixing of the two. IE tricks you a little, because you can put some XML element in an HTML document and style it with CSS. However, it is still fundamentally an HTML document. Thus, the only choice, if you want to actually see something on the screen, is to have the server send back a content type of text/html.

Stated conversely, to get Mozilla to do the right thing, the document you load must be an XML document, or at least and XHTML document, which still means XML. If the content type returned by the server is HTML, you can't use XUL in it.

It's still possible that I'm looking at this the wrong way, that I can indeed have an XML document type that still has HTML elements drawn on the screen in IE.

I suppose another hack, an epic hack, would be to return a XUL document to IE, then use an XSLT to convert it the XUL document to HTML, then start loading all the data and run another XSLT when the Archetypes data are loaded. Yummy...not.
9:18:58 AM   comment []