Damals, im Januar 1985, wechselte ich vom selbstgel[^]teten 6502 - Junior Computer zum Atari 510+. Das hatte riesige Vorteile: Bei der Datenfern[cedilla]bertragung gab es erstmalig einen Puffer. Vorher konnte ich beim 300 Baud - Akkustikkoppler zwar leicht mitlesen, aber was vom Bildschirm gescrollt war, war weg. Es gab 720k - Disketten statt des Casettenrecorders - ich hatte Zweifel, ob es je eine Datei geben w[cedilla]rde, die daf[cedilla]r zu gro[fl] w[per thou]re.
Und es gab Spiele. "Land of havocs" u. [per thou]. fand ich [^]de, aber das Text-Adventure "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy" von Infocom beeindruckte mich: Mein erstes Computerspiel.
"... the Hitchhiker's Guide adventure game was one of the best-selling games of its era, selling some 350,000 copies. In 1984."
Danach ging's eher fad weiter:
"Then graphics games came along and the computer using portion of the human race forgot all about 500,000 years of language evolution and went straight back to the electronic equivalent of banging rocks together - the point'n'click game. Infocom and most of its competitors went to the wall - signaling the arrival of the post-literate society. That's the way it's been for most of the last dozen years."
Jetzt gibt es dieses Spiel wieder - in einer online-java-Version. Ich bin begeistert!
"If you aren't familiar with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy you will likely be very confused. If you are familiar with the HHGG, you will also be very confused - while the game starts similarly to the book, it soon diverges. In summary, you play the part of Arthur Dent a rather ordinary and ineffectual Earth being with a liking for tea. The game starts when the local council makes a spirited attempt to demolish your house to make way for a bypass. While you're trying to cope with that, your friend Ford Prefect drops past to tell you that your efforts are pointless, as the Earth itself is about to be demolished to make way for a Hyperspace bypass. The rest is up to you!"
Don't panic!
Google It!
7:56:55 PM