Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 12:05:48 PM.


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Friday, May 11, 2007

Scotsman: "Industrialised nations have broken promises to alleviate poverty and provide better health and education, leading to the deaths of millions of people in poorer nations, Oxfam International said on Thursday.
Group of Eight (G8) nations had fallen far short of meeting a $50 billion (25 billion pounds) funding pledge made at a summit in Gleneagles, Scotland two years ago, said Oxfam, an independent group that works to fight poverty."

Let's be honest, the neocon economy thrives on poverty and cheap labour.
10:29:07 AM    

AlterNet: "The Washington Post had a front page article on Wednesday describing the extent and timeline for surging the troops. Besides planning to surge up to 35,000 troops, the DOD wants the flexibility to keep the surge going until Spring 2008. There has been talk about what to do about Iraq and the surge in September of this year, but there is the chance that this surge will last a year.

What the Army is not telling you is that we will also be surging the contractors. KBR, who has now spun off from Halliburton, has the largest contract, called LOGCAP III. The follow-on contract, LOGCAP IV, was supposed to be awarded by now and it was to break up the monopoly that KBR had in supplying the troops.

It appears, based on KBR's SEC filings that the Army plans to keep KBR and the old contract in place as to not switch horses in the middle of the stream. As I have outlined in my recently released book, Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of Privatizing War, KBR has billings that go out the roof while not supplying the troops with what they need."
10:24:47 AM    

A characteristic of fascist regimes is their arbitrariness, the double standards, the hypocrisy, the unlawfulness.
CommonDreams: "A US lawmaker on Wednesday called on President George W. Bush to detain the Cuban anti-Castro militant Luis Posada Carriles, after a US judge freed the alleged airplane bomber.
'The world will conclude that this administration has a double standard when it comes to fighting terrorism unless President (George W.) Bush takes swift action to detain Posada,' said House Democrat Bill Delahunt."

Yahoo: "Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore is under investigation by the U.S. Treasury Department for taking ailing Sept. 11 rescue workers to Cuba for a segment in his upcoming health-care documentary 'Sicko', The Associated Press has learned."
10:21:08 AM    

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