Monday, January 12, 2004 |
That Holland has become one of the most fraudulent countries in Europe is a fact known for years. Money and greed have always been part and parcel of the Dutch mentality. Together with hypocrisy, indispensable to draw a veil over the fraud, money has been our religion for ages. Remember the times when a tulip bulb cost a fortune?
Even in health care, fraud is now business as usual. Chemists are supposed to stick to the prescriptions written by doctors. Not here in Holland. Chemists will look for a substitute product that is similar and that will give them a greater profit. Too bad if the product is not really suited for the patient. And if the chemist has to order something that is not profitable, he just refuses to order it. Old people stand in line to wait for their prescriptions and are told that their medication has not yet arrived. Two weeks later nothing yet. Chemists and family doctors are the worst fraudsters.
Privatization has made everything even worse. Waiting for a wheelchair for more than a year is no exception. Because the supplier that got the contract was the cheapest for the health insurance company - which means: has less employees, and therefore has a huge waiting list.
Who cares?
9:30:53 PM
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