Friday, January 23, 2004 |
It's time to reject shrinking jobs and wages, disappearing savings and rights
Time to reject the detour towards fear and greed
Time to look out upon the world for friends, not enemies
Time to counter the control of corporations over our politics, our economy, our resources and mass media
because government should be on the side of the people.
Give this man and yourself a chance.
11:24:09 AM
How do you know whether your boss is a psychopath or not? Here is a short check list:
They are manipulative
They lack specific goals
They have superficial relations with people
They are impulsive
They are irresponsible
They crave power and prestige
They lack empathy
They lack remorse
They lie easily
They have predatory instincts
They are cool under pressure
They seek excitement and thrills
They take credit for the work of others
They fly into rages
For all I know, Bush and Blair are definitely among this category. But you'll find them also in psychopathic corporations where they thrive. There they feel they operate under a higher power than their own personality or at least hide under this umbrella. In politics psychopaths take refuge in religion, they feel empowered by the gods of their own making, they abuse religion for their own selfish purposes. We all know them, the managers who have no qualms with firing personnel and enjoy the feeling of power this gives them, the politicians who shamelessly break down health care for the majority of the population but take good care of themselves. They feel no responsibility towards other people. 'Après moi le déluge' is their motto. They are the psychopaths in suits.
10:44:40 AM
© Copyright 2004 Hetty Litjens.