Tuesday, September 7, 2004 |
From The Pentagon's New Map: "For most countries, accommodating the emerging global rule set of democracy, transparency, and free trade is no mean feat, which is something most Americans find hard to understand." (via ICH)
The above militarist treatise is based on the myth of the 'global rule set of democracy, transparency and free trade'. With the advent of Bush, democracy is being broken down and practically non-existent in the US as Bush was not elected by the people, the transparency has gone and been replaced by a rewriting of history and politics by the administration and the corporate media, and free trade is only free for the West, for the US in particular. The viewpoint taken in this book by Thomas Barnett is essentially fascist, it even surpasses Hitler's grab at power. It's rampant in Pentagon circles. Four more years of Bush will mean four more years of more wars.
10:54:09 AM
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