Updated: 22/7/2003; 10:27:25 PM.
Andrew's Cellar
random mutterings on technology, business and life's passions

Thursday, 8 May 2003

Vomit. Regurgitate. Puke. Throw up. Chunder. Barf. Technicolour yawn. Driving the porcelain bus.

Did I miss any?

It came over me early afternoon yesterday though, in hindsight, had been slowly brewing all day. I felt sick. Nauseated. Not "nauseous": please consult a dictionary if you don't know the difference. I'm sitting at my desk, feeling worse by the minute, having increasing difficulty reading. Eventually I give up and just sit there, eyes shut, breathing slowly and deeply. But it gets worse. I try a small amount of chocolate -- for the sugar -- and a cup of sweet, warm water, both to no avail. I'm sweating and beginning to shake. I'd go home but the next train isn't for another 45 minutes. So I sweat it out.

Time to go, and I wobble off slowly and unsteadily to the station. I make it to the train, seek out a seat right next to the toilet, and spend the next 10 minutes trying valiantly not to throw up. Two stops into the journey I admit defeat and retreat to the toilet. Do y'all want the details of what happened next? Let's just say it was protracted, painful, noisy and miserable. And then the hardest bit: emerging from the toilet into view, fully aware that the entire carriage has probably been trying its collective hardest not to listen to the apparent garrotting within. I slumped, soaked in sweat and drained, into a seat and hoped I didn't have stray bits of recycled lunch in my nose, beard or clothes. No one paid me any attention, for which I was profoundly grateful. There's something surreal about feeling that ill in public but simultaneously trying to look normal so as not to be embarrassed.

The subsequent evening and night were unpleasant. Thankfully, my body seemed to achieve some kind of tactical victory over the invaders sometime near dawn. Today I'm shaky and tired -- slept 2 hours after lunch -- and not eating much.

My wife tells me that the higher brain functions are the first thing to go with a viral infection like this. That would probably explain why today seemed to pass by in few minutes, leaving barely an imprint on my consciousness or memory. Oh well, it was relaxing if nothing else. Hopefully, my brain will be back online in a day or two.

10:03:08 PM    comment []

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