Sunday, March 07, 2004

Greek Elections 2004

As of now (local time 10:00pm), all exit gallup polls are on the side of Nea Dimokratia. The Greek Socialist Movement (PASOK) is lagging behind, seemingly unable to cover the distance. The Greek Communist Party (KKE) comes third at its usual 5-6%. Hold on, more will follow in the next few hours. Only 2-15% (depending on geographical area) of the votes have been counted until now, but the wind blows Right.

UPDATE 1 (and four drinks later)
the time is 3:10 am. 50-80% of the votes have been counted. the wind still blows Right. everything looks like i'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning under neo-liberal rule. just for the record, PASOK (greek socialist movement) has been ruling for the last 11 years. not anymore. the stats so far leave PASOK 6% or so behind Nea Dimokratia (46% vs. 40%), and KKE (communist party) comes third at 5.5%. friends of mine from the states always kept telling me that the republicans have the best-looking lassies. well, i had gone out for a drink and din't get to see lots of them. where are they? there's an apt saying for the situation: the player 's changed, but the instrument remains the same. wise words. we'll see......
10:06:06 PM    Say it loud  []  Trackback  []  

a great wiki resource for newcomers to the linux world: linuxquestions

"It looks like is aiming to build the largest independent Linux-related knowledgebase using a Wiki. They are using the same software as Wikipedia (MediaWiki), are using a Creative Commons license and look to be off to a good start." Via /.

5:49:01 AM    Say it loud  []  Trackback  []  

Narcotest: when pharmaceutical products promote a society of rats

Narcotest is a wonderful new pharmaceutical product that just arrived in greece. finally there's this one product we can use to find out if members of our family and friends use drugs and don't tell us about it. how helpful. i wonder how we managed to survive without this kind of medical care until now. the other day i was reading at the local papers that most pharmacies in greece now stock the product and expect it will bring lots of cash. the price tag for this single-using miracle of disgrace is in the region of 50-100euros. a representative of the greek pharmacy onwers was quoted as saying something along the lines "you can now know if people around you use drugs". of note is also the  tv commercial which promotes the same attitude and fosters the same kind of society:  find out what your friends and neighbours are up to, then snitch on them. in short, become a rat and you'll be rewarded. there's no room for ethical constraints in a society of commodified shared experiences and neighbourhoods built on envy, hatred, and robot-like behaviours.  how convenient, don't you think?

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Free Adorno recentlly published two essays by theodor adorno and the hamburg foundation for the advancement of science and culture which is the copyright lolder decided that this is costing them money and brought legal slander against the website. what a shame. being called foundation for the advancement of science and culture and at the same time prohibiting, blocking and seeking to punish those who enable the distribution of knowledge.

Sebastian Luetgert of has written a deeply unsettling letter which he sent to
the Hamburg Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Culture. get a taste:
The question of "intellectual property" is not if the producers of
creative works should be denied their right to material reproduction
through their creative work, or if the temporary owners of such works
should be hung by the guts of their lawyers. The question of "intellectual
property" is when it will finally be acknowledged that the people have a
universal right to the reappropriation of the means of production, that
creative works - however privatized and commodified they may have become -
are a such means of production, and that their reproduction ist a
fundamental and fully legitimate form of production itself. Link

Sign the petition here, and here you can find all the links you need regarding this intellectual property mess and how you can help.

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