Dienstag, 7. Januar 2003 |
Fink works just fine with the public beta X11 release
with some caveats. Please read the newly added Apple X11 section of the Fink X11 Documentation for details. [Fink Project News]
11:32:16 PM
Apple’s Mac OS X Adoption Soars With More Than 5 Million Users and 5,000 Native Applications [Apple Press Releases]
... 'cos Apples do no longer boot OS9 ...
11:24:39 PM
I'm exploring Archipelago ... still looking for a tools that allow me to edit Radio blog post outside the browser. To be honest, Safari makes things easier ... faster!
11:20:46 PM
Now when I use Safari with Radio, things get really fast. It seems to have a very good rendering engine for tables!
10:05:37 PM
I have to admit, things were still working. I had trouble upstreaming my pages (though they are not very big and I run on a 1MB connection), radiocomment blocked everything at one point in time (I switched to radiocomments2 -- cos there were no commented items).
8:40:34 PM
8:10:55 PM
7:49:35 PM
- 1440x900
- backlit keyboard!
- ambient light senor
- 6.8 lbs.
- aluminium, no paint
- DDR Ram
- bluetooth
- 802.11g: AirportExtreme 54Mbit
7:42:22 PM
thin, thinner ... 17inch PowerBook
7:40:52 PM
17inch PowerBook!
7:39:09 PM
Steve starts talking about TiBook ...
7:38:17 PM
Standing ovation: free copy of Keynote for attendees!
7:36:06 PM
7:22:15 PM
Keynote presentation app!
Every 2002 keynote was done using keynote betas!
7:19:21 PM
Do a Google search for safari browser!
7:16:44 PM
- Speed: fastest browser on Mac
- Innovate: Google integration, new trackback
- Booksmarks: ease of use
Surprise: KHTML-based. Beta today!
7:06:19 PM
Something new THE BROWSER!
7:05:23 PM
Ok sorry iHub is called iLife (and now it's coming)
iPhoto, iTunes, iMovie remain free!
7:04:29 PM
I'm up to 60secs. for upstreaming!
6:59:32 PM
Gimme hardware!
6:57:29 PM
Looks like a full revision of the iHub (just iTunes4 missing for now)!
... wondering what kind of hardware box Steve uses for the demo ... fast!
6:57:04 PM
... integrated ... and lots of touchups.
6:55:30 PM
There work no comments, so I switched to radiocomments2 ... works better/faster!
6:54:18 PM
I'm just waiting for the ... and all this for just $49.99
6:48:53 PM
new metal brush interface,
precise audio.
Nice job with still photographs.
6:46:32 PM
integration with iTunes
... archive to CD/DVD!
One button enhance (has been hidden in iPhoto 1.1) and retouch brush.
No mention of a charge for it (yet)!
6:40:49 PM
Had to kill comments 'cos radiocomments seems just to come to a standstill!
6:40:08 PM
No more 9!
6:35:35 PM
I don't want to see stripped down software ... I want new hardware.
6:35:06 PM
Final Cut Pro #1 selling video edit app ...
New product: Final Cut Express (like Final Cut Lite ...)
6:30:14 PM
Pro Tools audio demo ...
6:28:55 PM
Usual 3rd party product tour ...
6:26:05 PM
Apple shipped an iPod every minute since they came out!
Cool Jacket from Burton iPod-enabled!
6:23:20 PM
Usual talk about stores, iCal, iSync, .mac, iPod etc.
6:20:43 PM
Talking about switchers ...
6:15:48 PM
It will be the biggest MPEG-4 even ever! [I'd say so far]
6:15:18 PM
2 MW worth of stuff ...
6:11:58 PM
Am I the only one, but that music is just awful!
6:08:29 PM
Wild guess: memory leak!
5:49:13 PM
5:46:45 PM
5:41:25 PM
Typically I see tenth of a second response times for the weblogs ping ...
5:28:07 PM
Louis Cipher wonders if Weblogs.Com will survive the blogging frenzy during the Steve Jobs keynote at MacWorld in San Francisco at 9AM today. It did last year. But the network is bigger this year. I guess the answer is we'll find out later today. [Scripting News]
... why on earth does Dave Winer wear this kind of hat for MWSF'03 ...
... what am I missing here?
5:14:21 PM
The financial firm says that the new product pipeline looks "skimpy" and that the company's Power Macs and other products "are becoming stale or remain too expensive." [CNET News.com]
5:05:40 PM
From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):
Ripple \Rip"ple\, n.
1. The fretting or dimpling of the surface, as of running
water; little curling waves.
2. A little wave or undulation; a sound such as is made by
little waves; as, a ripple of laughter.
3. (physics) a small wave on the surface of water or other
liquids for which the driving force is not gravity, but
surface tension.
4. (Electrical engineering) the residual AC component in the
DC current output from a rectifier, expressed as a
percentage of the steady component of the current.
4:04:11 PM
Just a thought crossing my mind ...
The web used to be woven "manually", meaning each and everyone referring to each and everyone, but the user would need to actually click on a link in a browser for anything to happen. But now in the times of XML-RPC, we do not need users any longer to let information flow and generate hits, a lot of stuff is just happening automatically in the background ... If we start weaving the net together with XML-RPC calls that just happen without any user interaction, we may create an uncontrollable beast, a chaotic system. First there will just be small RPC-ripples flowing through the net and dying away causing minor nuisances and interruptions. But one day THE RIPPLE(tm) will overstep the threshold to chaotic system behaviour and the net will just be busy updating itself.
3:55:39 PM
I guess during the keynote everyone will be blogging away like crazy. What does that mean? Blog servers like blogspot.com and radio.weblogs.com (and/or their respective backend servers such as blogger.com for blogspot and xmlstorage for radio) will see enormous traffic either during the keynote or right after (each and everyone blogging about impressions). But thats only one thing!
The common exchange system which we all "ping" will be exposed to something like a DoS attack from bloggers all over the world: weblogs.com.
Will that be bloggings first defeat?
There have been relatively few major events since blogging has been growing exponentially. If you remeber the "Internet Crash" on 9/11 (CNN having to post a bare-bones static homepage), what will happen if not only the Mac community has something to blog about, but just everyone? Say ... a major crisis in Irak?
3:09:05 PM
Given I have the CoolTool #1 now (see previous post): I'll try to do a real-time MWSF'03 Keynote blog!
1:23:59 PM
This is really a cool tool! NetNewsWire really, really rules! You finally get spellchecking and WYSIWYG for Radio Userland!
12:53:22 PM
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