cipherblog : [...]
Updated: 17.3.2003; 22:53:03 Uhr.


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Sonntag, 19. Januar 2003

Should not Philips be fined for inventing the CD without copy protection? They made the whole thing possible after all !

I remember when we were forced to switch to CDs because we could no longer get the our stuff on vinyl records. A lot of the sound at that age was mixed/mastered terribly because a lot of sound people did not yet know how to master to a CD as opposed to a vinyl record (totally different sound compression behaviour). We just hated it!

I guess now this is the revenge! Ever heard of that problem during the vinyl ages?

So, coming back to the question of who should be held responsible: the music industry! It their own home-grown problem after all!
10:34:47 PM    comment []

Music piracy 'great', says Robbie. Pop star Robbie Williams says he believes music piracy is a "great" idea and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
10:14:10 PM    comment []

Road builders and maintainers should pay robbery victims. According to this news report, ISPs should pay record companies for music swapping. This logic is very valid, in our wise opinion. However, as we are more concerned with the more serious crimes that impact some lives more than music swapping on the Internet, that of the issue of robbery, we propose a concrete measure to help robbery victims and to discourage more robberies. We propose to have road builders and maintainers paying robbery victims for their losses. []
10:11:42 PM    comment []

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